From Scattered Thoughts to Polished Prose: Mastering Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

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Generative AI

Publish Date

June 24, 2024



Generative AI | Prompt Engineering

Good AI output is dependent on good AI input, that’s why your prompt is so important. Imagine you’re at a busy café, laptop open, trying to draft the perfect email to a potential customer. All the key points are swirling in your head, but organizing them into a coherent message feels like herding cats. These are the moments where large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot feel like magic. Your generative AI-powered tools can transform your thoughts into content while saving you time and boosting your productivity. But there’s a catch: to get good results, you need a good prompt.

Most of the frustration people experience when getting started with generative AI can be traced back to a prompt that is too simplistic. For example, many people would ask the AI to, “Write an email to a new customer about a potential upsell.” You will absolutely get a result, but that result is not going to be nearly as good as you’d hope it would be. Keep that prompt in mind as we walk through these next few steps.

Crafting an effective prompt isn’t just about tossing in some keywords and hoping for the best. It’s about being precise, clear, and intentional. Much like how a skilled conductor leads each part of an orchestra to create beautiful music, a good prompt guides the AI to exactly the output you’re looking for. To master this, there are six important elements:

  1. Persona
  2. Task
  3. Steps to Complete
  4. Context/Constraints
  5. Goal
  6. Format Output

We’ll walk through each of these elements in depth and show you how to blend them seamlessly to get the results you want. Whether you’re drafting an email, generating a report, or brainstorming creative ideas, mastering these components is the key to achieving the best results from language models.

Understanding Persona

When discussing a personal emergency, you would likely describe the situation one way to a close friend and another way to your supervisor. Even though the core information remains the same, the way you tell the story changes based on your audience. The same concept applies when working with generative AI. We give the AI context by giving it a persona.

A persona is a character that the AI adopts when responding to prompts. It shapes the tone, style, and formality of the output, ensuring that the responses are contextually appropriate. A well-defined persona acts as a lens, guiding the AI to provide accurate and relevant information tailored to the specific context.

By using a persona, the AI can better understand the context and adapt its responses, accordingly, leading to more accurate and reliable outputs. This approach enhances the quality of the interaction and ensures that the information provided is suitable for the intended audience.

Crafting an Effective Persona

To create an effective persona, start by determining the AI’s role—whether it’s a teacher, a technical expert, or a customer service representative. The tone and style should match this role, whether formal or informal, concise or elaborate. Providing relevant background information helps the AI understand the context of its responses, and considering the intended audience ensures that the output is relevant.

Example of What a Persona Might Look Like in a Prompt

You are a customer service representative for a technology company. You are an expert at diagnosing and resolving technology issues. Your responses are clear and concise, explaining complex technical concepts in simple terms. Your tone is empathetic, understanding, and professional, with a touch of humor.

By clearly defining the persona, you guide the AI to deliver contextually relevant, tailored responses that meet the specific needs of what you’re looking for.

Defining the Task

Now that we’ve established the importance of persona, let’s move on to defining the task. The task is essentially the core objective you want the generative AI to accomplish, which could be just about any content you might want to create.

A clear and specific task sets the foundation for the AI to understand its objective. Vague or ambiguous tasks can lead to responses that are off-target or incomplete. The less room for interpretation, the more precise response you’re going to get.

Crafting an Effective Task Description

Start by being as clear and specific as possible about what you want the AI to achieve. Instead of saying “write an email,” specify “write a follow-up email to a customer who recently purchased a product, thanking them and asking for feedback.” This level of detail provides the AI with a clear direction and purpose.

If the task is complex, break it down into smaller components or outline the main points to help the AI structure the response effectively.

Frame the task based on the AI’s persona. For example, ask a technical expert persona to “Explain the benefits of our new software update to a non-technical audience.” This ensures the response aligns with the persona’s role and expertise.

Example of What a Task Might Look Like in a Prompt

Your task is to write a follow-up email to a customer who recently purchased our product.

By defining the task clearly and aligning it with the persona, you provide the AI with a precise objective, ensuring the output is relevant and aligned with your expectations. This clarity helps achieve a coherent and focused response, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the prompt.

Now we’ll explore the steps to complete the task, which further refine how the AI will approach and execute the objective.

Steps to Complete the Task

With the persona and task clearly defined, the next step is to outline the specific actions the AI should take to complete the task. Providing a step-by-step guide ensures that the AI produces a structured and coherent response. This approach is particularly useful for complex tasks, as it breaks down the process into manageable parts, reducing the likelihood of errors or omissions.

Crafting Effective Steps

Start by identifying the main components of the task. Consider the logical sequence of actions necessary to achieve the desired outcome. Each step should be clear and actionable, guiding the AI through the process.

Example of What a Steps to Complete a Prompt Might Look Like

Steps to Complete This Task
                  1. Start with a friendly greeting.
                  2. Thank the customer for their purchase.
                  3. Ask for their feedback on the product.
                  4. Offer assistance with any issues they might be experiencing.
                  5. End with a closing statement.

Aligning Steps with Persona and Task

When outlining the steps, keep the persona and task in mind. Ensure that the steps align with the persona’s tone and style. For instance, if the persona is a customer service rep, the language should be friendly and supportive throughout each step. Additionally, the steps should be relevant to the task at hand, ensuring that the AI remains focused and on track.

By clearly defining the steps, you provide the AI with a detailed roadmap to follow. This structured approach reduces ambiguity and improves the quality of output.

With a clear roadmap in place, it’s important to provide the AI with context and constraints to refine its approach further.

Context and Constraints

To further refine how the AI understands and executes the task, it’s important to provide context and constraints. Context provides the AI with background information, ensuring it understands the environment or situation of the task. Constraints set boundaries, guiding the AI on what to include or exclude in the response.

Providing Context

Context is the backdrop against which the task is performed. It includes relevant details that shape the AI’s understanding and approach. For example, if the task is to draft a marketing email, the context might include information about the target audience, the product or service being promoted, and the campaign’s overall goals.

Example of What Context Might Look Like in a Prompt

The customer is new and has shown interest in our premium features. They need to understand we care about their experience with our product and know how much better their experience could be with our premium offerings.

Defining Constraints

Constraints limit the scope of the AI’s response, ensuring it stays on track and within desired boundaries. These might include word limits, the tone to maintain, or aspects to avoid. Constraints help in managing the AI’s focus and prevent it from veering off course.

Example of What Constraints Might Look Like in a Prompt

The email should be of moderate length, between 150 and 200 words.
Do not mention anything about potential future updates.

By providing clear context and constraints, you enable the AI to generate responses relevant and focused but aligned with the task’s overall objective. This further enhances the quality and reliability of the AI’s output.

The last thing before we put it all together is setting the goal and desired format for the output.

Goal and Format

With the persona, task, and steps clearly defined, the final step is to set the goal and desired format for the output. These are the last steps before hitting enter and getting that perfect response.

Setting the Goal

The goal is the intended outcome of the AI’s task. Clearly defining the goal helps the AI understand what success looks like. This could be to inform, persuade, entertain, or provide support. By stating the goal explicitly, you guide the AI’s focus and efforts towards achieving a specific result.

Example of What a Goal Might Look Like in a Prompt

Your goal is to write a follow-up email that ensures the customer is happy with our product and encourages them to consider upgrading to our premium features.

Defining the Format

The format specifies the structure and presentation style of the AI’s response. This includes layout elements such as headings, paragraphs, FAQs, bullet points, or specific formats like JSON, HTML, or markdown. Clear format guidelines ensure the output is not only useful but also aligns with your expectations.

Example of What a Format Instruction Might Look Like in a Prompt

Respond in paragraph form. Use markup to highlight important headings and bullet points to highlight features the customer might be interested in. 

By clearly defining the goal and format, you provide the AI with comprehensive guidelines to produce a focused and relevant response. This not only enhances the quality of the output but also ensures it meets your specific needs and expectations.

Putting It All Together

Your final prompt should look something like this:

You are a customer service representative for a tech company. You are an expert at diagnosing and resolving technology issues. Your responses are clear and concise, explaining complex technical concepts in simple terms. Your tone is empathetic, understanding, and professional, with a touch of humor.

Your task is to write a follow-up email to a customer who recently purchased our product.

Steps to Complete This Task
                  1. Start with a friendly greeting.
                  2. Thank the customer for their purchase.
                  3. Ask for their feedback on the product.
                  4. Offer assistance with any issues they might be experiencing.
                  5. End with a closing statement.

The customer is new and has shown interest in our premium features. They need to understand we care about their experience with our product and know how much better their experience could be with our premium offerings.

The email should be of moderate length, between 150 and 200 words.
Do not mention anything about potential future updates.

Your goal is to write a follow-up email that ensures the customer is happy with our product and encourages them to consider upgrading to our premium features.

Respond in paragraph form. Use markup to highlight important headings and bullet points to highlight features the customer might be interested in.

And yes, that is long and takes a lot of thought to craft, but the beauty is you only have to go through this process once; then you can use the same prompt repeatedly. Whether you save it to a library of prompts you’ve crafted, turn it into a GPT, make it a copilot, or use it as a foundation for your API call, this type of structure ensures your responses are tailored, relevant, and impactful.

Key Takeaways in Mastering Prompt Engineering for Generative AI

  • Crafting effective prompts for language models is both an art and a science. By thoughtfully considering and defining the key elements—persona, task, steps to complete, context, constraints, goal, and format—you can guide generative AI to produce tailored, relevant, and impactful responses.
  • Starting with a well-defined persona, you ensure the AI adopts the appropriate voice and tone, aligning its responses with the context and intended audience.
  • Breaking down the task into steps helps the AI follow a structured approach, reducing the risk of incomplete or off-target results.
  • Providing context and constraints gives the AI the background and boundaries. It needs to stay focused and relevant.
  • Setting a clear goal and defining the desired format aligns the AI’s output with your specific needs and expectations, whether you need a polished email, a structured report, or data in a technical format.

By mastering these components, you’ll get responses that are useful and aligned with your goals.

So, next time you’re faced with the challenge of drafting the perfect email, generating a detailed report, or brainstorming creative ideas, remember these principles. With a little practice, you’ll become a prompt-crafting maestro, capable of leveraging AI to its fullest potential.

Ready to start crafting effective prompts and unlock the magic of AI in your work? Let’s go! A little bit overwhelmed by it all? Reach out to us at today to get started. This is what we do, we can help.



About the Author

Greg Starling, Head of Emerging Technologies at Doyon Technology Group

Greg Starling serves as the Head of Emerging Technology for Doyon Technology Group. He has been a thought leader for the past twenty years, focusing on technology trends, and has contributed to published articles in Forbes, Wired, Inc., Mashable, and Entrepreneur magazines. He holds multiple patents and has been twice named as Innovator of the Year by the Journal Record. Greg also runs one of the largest AI information communities worldwide.

Doyon Technology Group (DTG), a subsidiary of Doyon, Limited, was established in 2023 in Anchorage, Alaska to manage the Doyon portfolio of technology companies: Arctic Information Technology (Arctic IT®), Arctic IT Government Solutions, and designDATA. DTG companies offer a variety of technology services including managed services, cybersecurity, and professional software implementations and support for cloud business applications.